Canada: Volunteer Opportunities

Visit Malawi – Visit The Chikondi Orphanage – Visit Our New Land Purchase – And Have Fun

You are invited to join us on our next Chikondi Orphanage Tour.

Other Canada Volunteer Opportunities :


Gala – “a special social occasion with special entertainments or performances with proceeds going to the Chikondi Orphanage. This fun filled, entertaining evening happens once a year in the Victoria, BC area in February.

More Fundraising campaigns and where we need Volunteers



Penpal Program

Bike Ride


Africa: Help Build a Sustainable Community 

Just like we need to have clean water, power, food, medical and a place to call home so  does the Chikondi Orphanage.  Every month funds are required to sustain the basic needs of life.   Yes, we have a large vision for out future community (see our road map) but first we need to be sustainable on a month to month basis.

Education – Without education the cycle of poverty continues.  With education there is a brighter future for both the child and the community in which the child lives.


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